September Dallas Duo Whole30 Reset Recap

The Whole30 coaching group is a thrice annual excitement for me! Each group we lead is an opportunity to connect with our local community and to promote individuals to focus on sustainable wellness behaviors.  

Would it be the Duo if I didn’t add a nutpods photo?!

Andrea is, if you didn’t know, my other (ahem, better?) half of the Dallas Duo and keeps me in check during this busy season. The Duo is equal parts work hard play hard, and I couldn’t ask for a better partner is crime for both of those aspects. 

Andrea and I have been the Dallas Duo since 2017. But, we hadn’t coached a group since January 2020. Coaching a whole30 group is always such a joy. This year, I was especially grateful to pour our group IRL. Connecting in person can’t be beat. And, it’s entirely impossible to do our signature Dallas Duo reset well in a virtual format! Each week our group has a curated workout and dining experience along with a swag-bag stock up (we’re serious about our compatible swag items!). 

The workout is always made to accommodate all levels and abilities. I love starting with movement because it lifts spirits, provides a new experience (we work to provide a unique format each week and newer Dallas concepts!) and a way to gain some humility doing something outside of our comfort zones! It reflects the mission of the actual Whole30 reset; hard, new, but also beneficial. 

Our dining experiences are always a treat, as we work closely with the chefs to provide a balanced meal that is tasty and enjoyable for all. Over the years we have been able to work with some amazing chef’s from Dive to Up Inspired Kitchen, and this year, Modern Diner! 

I wanted to recap some of the highlights from this season’s reset!

Week 4 

This is by far the most important week! Although everyone believes that Day 30 is the most important; it’s just the beginning!

We started our day at Urban Core, the newest LaGree studio in Dallas. This facility is beyond comprehensive; they have classes, a full boutique, a co-working space for after class with a large patio and smoothie bar for post-workout nourishment. The studio is gorgeous and sits above Urban Seafood in downtown Plano. Your first class is free; I definitely recommend taking Lindsey who taught our group!

During our week 4 luncheon we covered Reintroduction 101 with our exclusive materials to guide each member through it seamlessly. But more than just talking about it, we get nitty-gritty with meal plans and role play. This ultra-specific planning makes the week seem less daunting. Remember, reintroduction is where all the learning happens!

The meals we had during our Reintroduction talk were incredible, and 80% of these meals are very similar to what you can currently find on their new menu! Modern Diner is a great spot to grab lunch, with delicious coffee and co-working next door at Communion. 

Week 5

Each year we make Day 30 a celebration, but we always lean into self-care focused surprises instead of using food. Although food can absolutely be a fun way to celebrate, I’m easily persuaded to upgrade to spa-type celebrations. This year, each member had a free Sweaty celebration at CYL for the ultimate detox on their final day. 

Infrared sauna is an incredible tool for detox and lymphatic drainage; I actually just bought my own and use it often in my own detox routine! CYL has amazing resources for their clients, including filtered water, natural electrolytes to replete post-session and a plethora of clean-living accessories. Each client also received a gift card from Hiatus for either a facial, mani-pedi, massage or acupuncture. 

Week 6

Our final meetup was held at Lifthouse, during reintroduction. Lifthouse offers a variety of 1:1 training but they also offer small group training classes that feature incredible effective workouts. Our class lasted less than 40 minutes and I was wiped! There’s a variety of formats, but our class included the VersaClimber, weights, slam balls, sled pushes, and cables. If you haven’t been, the first class is free! Kendall was so motivating and really left us feeling empowered; highly recommend her class. We toasted to new found food freedom with Chameleon cold brew; the final swag bag stock up item.

Note: Although caffeine is not something that is removed during a Whole30, it’s one of the hardest parts of the reset because

1) people love their morning coffee andm

2) that morning routine usually contains dairy and sugar

Chameleon cold brew makes naturally sweetened options with less acidity; they were a great swap for the members of our group who usually drink iced lattes and sweetened drinks. You can find Chameleon cold brew at Tom Thumb, Sprouts and Whole Foods! 

To be honest, every year I get a lot of anxiety about making our group perfect. Andrea and I go to a lot fo work to ensure that everyone feels supported and doesn’t get overwhelmed in the details. But, funnily enough, every group seems to take on a life of its own. Friendships are made, side recipe text chains are formed, books are exchanged, and people become lasting friends. I love this outcome; it happens every round! Like minded individuals are hard to come by and it’s a great benefit to be surrounded by others who are always pursuing wellness. 

What about weeks 1-3?

Highlights from the first half of our reset can be found HERE on Andrea’s blog.

Having some FOMO? No fear, we have a signature Dallas Duo January reset that kicks off a week after the new year. To stay informed, jump on our list, here!

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