Why Fat and Fiber Should Be Your Favorite F Words 

Why Fat and Fiber Should Be Your Favorite F Words 

So, what’s the deal with fiber? 

With more and more people talking about the importance of gut health, it felt time to take on the topic. As a Registered Dietitian, I’ve witnessed the impact your diet can have on an individual’s gut health. A 2018 study showed that more than 60% of people experience GI discomfort at least once a week. I’m talking heartburn, bloating, constipation, you name it, people are experiencing it. These gut issues can be related to many factors, but I want to address how making changes in your dietary habits can help to relieve these symptoms. The game changer? Fiber!

Many Americans fall short of meeting their fiber goals. This can lead to digestive issues and low energy levels. The recommended fiber intake per day is 25 to 30 grams for women, and 35-40g for men. That breaks down to roughly 5-10g of fiber per meal and/or snack. Unfortunately, many Americans don’t get amount of fiber on the SAD diet. A 2019 study showed that only 12% of Americans meet their daily fiber goals. 

Fiber has an important role in our diets. It supports blood sugar control but also promotes digestive health, improves satiety and can prevent overeating and weight gain. My secret to making all that fiber worth it? Making a winning fat and fiber combination. But first, let’s talk fiber!

person slicing cucumber - fat and fiber

What’s the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber? 

Think of soluble fiber as the yellow light. It slows things down and can help prevent major waves of glucose from entering the bloodstream at once. As a Diabetes Educator, I want to emphasize that soluble fiber is very important to maintaining stable blood sugar. It is also why high-fiber, low-glycemic carbs, like fruits and vegetables, versus low-fiber carbs, like candy, are more blood-sugar friendly. Soluble fiber also helps nourish the good gut bacteria, i.e. prebiotic fibers! 

Prebiotics are a form of dietary fiber, specifically they are called oligosaccharides. They are naturally occurring in carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables. Prebiotics resist digestion in the small intestine and help the fermentation process going on in the gut.

Insoluble fiber is what gets you going to the bathroom on a regular basis! Insoluble fiber is what helps form a solid stool that can easily and appropriately be passed through the colon. Without enough insoluble fiber in your diet, that’s when constipation and bloating can be an issue. 

Excellent sources of fiber include:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Legumes 
  • Seeds such as flax, chia and pumpkin seeds
  • Nuts 
  • Whole grains, such as chickpea pasta and quinoa 

How can fiber support your blood sugar? 

Fiber slows down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. Fats also play a crucial role in slowing down the process of digestion and absorption, thereby promoting a prolonged feeling of fullness. This mechanism effectively balances the rapid action of carbohydrates. Fiber can prevent sudden spikes and drops in blood sugar levels and enhancing overall meal satisfaction. 

My patients see a drastic shift in their cravings, especially for sweets, when they start making more balanced pairings. A fat and fiber combo is a straight shot for meal time success! 

Why you should be eating more fat  

Now we need to talk about the other half of the “Fat and Fiber” combo – fat! Fat has gotten a bad wrap for way too long and I’m here to bust the myths on fat. We need to stop avoiding fat and instead, start eating more of the right kinds of fats. Healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, play a crucial role in our health. They support heart health, brain health and maintain optimal cholesterol levels. Healthy sources of fat include:

Plus, fat is going to provide a long-lasting source of energy! Fats play a crucial role in slowing down the process of digestion and absorption, thereby promoting a prolonged feeling of fullness. This mechanism effectively balances the rapid action of carbohydrates, and can prevent sudden spikes and drops in blood sugar levels. Fat also will enhance overall meal satisfaction and contribute to that “I’m full” feeling. 

“Fat and Fiber” – A Motto to live by 

While fiber in the form of carbohydrates can provide quick energy, they need to be paired with fat and/or protein for sustainable energy. At Whitness Nutrition we use the “Fat + Fiber equation” for a midday snack success! 

Incorporating fiber-rich, flavorful foods and healthy fats into your routine can support all-day energy levels, stay satiated, and maintain stable blood sugar.

How to incorporate more fat and fiber into your diet

My patients and my personal favorite way to eat more fiber? A delicious veggie and dip pairing! Lonely carbohydrates like chips and crackers won’t provide you with long-term energy. Instead, focus on healthy snacks like fresh vegetables. Choose options such as cucumber, bell peppers, or carrots. Pair them with dips made with healthy fats like Good Foods plant-based dips for the ultimate satisfying, savory pairing.

cutout fruits and vegetables with dip for fat and fiber

Why I Recommend Good Foods Plant-Based Dips

I discovered Good Foods awhile ago while strolling through Target, and my life has never been the same since then. I was blown away by the creaminess, the smoothness, but more importantly, the nutrition profile. 

The Ingredients:

These delicious dips that are made with no preservatives, no added sugars and no artificial ingredients. All their dips are gluten-free, plant-based forward and are filled with a favorite veggie of mine… cauliflower! Cauliflower is an excellent source of fiber, offering upward of 2g of fiber per serving, while also remaining low carb. The other heart-healthy, high fiber ingredients you’ll find in their dips are almonds, avocado, and chia. With ingredients like these, you can make a satisfying fat and fiber snack that leaves you feel better then before. 

Oh, and they’re innovating their plant-based line to create delicious flavors that are free from the Top 9 Major Allergens! So far the allergen friendly lineup includes Dill Pickle, Tangy BBQ and Nacho Cheeze flavors. These are perfect for large gatherings or parties where food allergies may be present.

A fabulous source of fat and fiber: 

fat and fiber

Most pre-made dips on the market rely heavily on seed oils, high amounts of added sodium and conventional dairy to get the desired dip texture. A dip that relies on those ingredients will not be a great choice for those looking to eat more healthy fats that support heart health and maintain optimal cholesterol levels. Instead, these ingredients have been linked to higher rates of inflammation and poor metabolic health. 

Good Foods dips are made from a base of heart healthy fats like cashews, almonds and avocado. The fat to carb ratio in their dips is 2:1, which makes them a much more blood-sugar friendly option to other typical dips. Plus, these nuts are full of essential nutrients that support our overall health like calcium, iron and protein. Each dip has between 30-50 calories per serving, 0g of cholesterol and only three grams of carbs or less per serving. Did I mention many of their dips are also keto and paleo-friendly thanks to these healthy fat ingredients?

Good Food dips make it easy to make a healthier choice for those seeking both flavor and nutrition. My suggested Good Foods Fat and Fiber pairings?

  • Queso with sliced bell peppers and grain-free tortilla chips 
  • Buffalo with roasted cauliflower and hard-boiled eggs  
  • Tzatziki with sliced cucumbers and cherry tomatoes   
  • Dill Pickle with carrot slices and rotisserie chicken

Upgrade your fat and fiber routine with Good Foods Plant Based Dips and find one of their delicious products at a location near you. Remember, making mindful choices about your snacks can have a significant impact on your overall health and well-being. Snack like a pro and enjoy sustained energy and blood sugar bliss!

Looking for more ideas on how to achieve blood sugar bliss by optimizing your meals and snacks? Book a discovery call to work with a registered Dietitian today!

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