The Ultimate list of 34 Healthy Pre-Packaged Kid Snacks For School

If you’re a parent, you understand how difficult it is to buy pre-packaged kid snacks for school. First, you have the fact that they’re likely a picky eater. Secondly, you have the numerous options on the shelf that pretend like they’re nutritious when they’re actually not. Third, you have a budget and also can’t spend the entire day reading labels. I hear you, on all fronts! As a dietitian and diabetes educator, and as a new mama, I even struggle finding options. But, I’ve taken the time to round up my favorite packaged snacks; many of these you can find at your grocery store. But, some of these options you can order from HungryRoot or Thrive Market, for a greater selection! 

It’s so great that pre-packaged snacks available on the shelf today aren’t all inflammatory and unhealthy. There are many pre-packaged snacks loaded with nutrients that will keep kids healthy and energized in school, and so today, I’m sharing a round-up of healthy pre-packaged snacks that students could eat in school. I hope you enjoy the selection I’ve curated!

Note: Many of these snacks are tailored to a younger mother’s day out, daycare age child, because that is the season that I’m in. There are some that apply to order children as well, but I want to be transparent about the fact that many of these are exactly what gets packed in my 20 month old’s lunch box during the week!

34 Healthy Pre-Packaged Snacks For School

I want to start with a reminder about the importance of eating snacks in school. And, how choosing healthy snacks from a young age and continuing with these options throughout the years can provide so many benefits to young school children..

Why Is Snack Time Important In Schools

Snack time is an important time in school, and at home, for children to participate in. As kids continue to grow and develop, it’s important that they have a moment to pause and refuel with nourishing foods. This time is a great opportunity to mirror healthy eating habits, introduce new foods and increase exposure to healthy options for little mouths. Research shows that it can take up to 14 exposures before a child really accepts a food. This provides even more reason to ensure there are many snack times during the day for children to have exposure to healthy and diverse options! If we want to continue to support healthy eating habits and work against the rise of obesity, metabolic disease and the rate of students being diagnosed with diabetes, we need to model healthy kid snack times. 

Healthy snacks should include a balance of whole grains, protein, healthy fats, and fruits or vegetables to ensure kids stay fueled and focused. Avoiding sugary, processed snacks is crucpre-packaged snacksial to reducing the risk of obesity and promoting overall health. By offering wholesome snacks, schools can encourage better eating habits and foster a positive relationship with food.

What Are The Healthiest Packaged Snacks For School

Okay, without further ado, here is your ultimate list of healthy pre-pacakged snacks for school! I’ve added details on each snack, why I like them, what health benefits they have, what nutrients they contain, and why they’re good and safe options for kiddos! 


This isn’t just oatmeal, it’s packed with fiber and healthy fats thanks to the chia seeds and coconut milk. I love packing this for a cold lunch box option or a midday snack after the park. Note; this is sweetened with dates and vanilla extract! You could totally make your own, I just don’t choose to. Trader Joe’s also makes their own dupe version of this. It’s seasonal, but the pumpkin is my favorite, which also provides additional fiber. 

Happy Wolf Bar

These nut free fridge-fresh snack bars are a hit with my son and picky eater friends. The apple cinnamon flavors are my favorite for younger than 2, but the cocoa banana is probably the most popular in the toddler crowd. Not only is sunflower seed butter the first ingredient, but they also contain pumpkin seed butter as a source of healthy fats, too! This is a great way to get in some versatile fats into your child’s diet without any added sugar. They’re now in Whole Foods nationwide, Central Market and Amazon.

BTR Bar 

A bar that likely meets all your requirements! No sugar, no natural flavors, no soy, no dairy, and no gluten! This protein-packed snack is one that my son and I both love and the texture is soft enough for him to chew without any concerns of nuts or seeds. Order a variety pack to try all the flavors, or pick up my favorite, Strawberry Shortcake, at a Whole Foods, Raleighs, or Central Market, near you. 

Skout Bar

These bars are similar to LARABAR’s but don’t contain any added sugar and have more flavor variety outside of chocolate. Many of the flavors, like Apple Pie, are also nut free, with the addition of sunflower seed butter and sunflower seed protein. These are heavier in carbohydrates than the Happy Wolf and BTR bars; pair with cheese, egg, or Greek yogurt for a balanced snack. Note that there are kid’s versions and adult protein bars; the adult versions are much too high in fiber and protein for little ones and could cause loose stools (personal experience as a parenting faux-paus). 


These are fruit concentrate and powder heavy, making them more carbohydrate than anything else, but they do not contain added sugar, artificial sweeteners or artificial dye! Plus, thanks to the fruit and hemp hearts, they are rich in fiber! These must be paired with a protein source for balance, but they are great optiosn for a sweeter treat and naturally nut free for lunch boxes. Also the wrapper is edible; fascinating for your kiddo!

Organic Yumster Yo! Bars

Made by the founders of Bearded Brothers, this kid’s size version of their snack bar is made with three simple ingredients; dates, fruit and nut butter.


These mini baked donuts are made with almond flour, pumpkin seeds, spices, and maple syrup. They’re soft and easy to fit on little fingers. Although they do contain added sweetener in the form of mapel syrup, there’s only 3g of added sugar in a 20g serving. This is my go-to when there’s a birthday or celebration that I need a lower sugar swap for! The pumpkin and almond are my favorite flavors!

Three Wishes Grain Free Cereal

The unsweetened version of this is a great swap for traditional Cheerios; they are naturally free of gluten, grains, dairy and nuts. Plus, they are higher in protein and fiber. One cup contains 8 grams of protein! But, unlike cheerios, these contain no sweetener. I love using these in a dry trail mix or on top of yogurt. 

AMARA Organic Fruit Bites

It feels almost impossible to find a fruit based snack for kiddos that isn’t 1. Pure fruit and 2. Loaded with sugar but AMARA has cracked the code with these coconut milk fruit freeze dried bites. They’re like a better version or dried fruit. They were recently at Costco and the popularity has grown! I really love the mango carrot ones; James seems to not tolerant berries well (too much causes diaper rash; anyone else?) and he would eat these by the bag! Plus, I love the addition of coconut milk for some healthy fat blood sugar support. 

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs

These are a great snack; vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO and a great source of fiber through legumes which is the base of this snack. 

Organic Apple Crunchables

These fun snacks are so simple but tasty; without added sugar, preservatives that are also nut, soy, sesame and top 12 allergen free. 

Fresh Bellies Freeze Dried Fruit and Veggies

A mix of both fruit and vegetables with coconut oil and spices! This is a great way to provide a vareity of both flavors and textures with different unique spices you may not use at home with your child (over one year of age!). I love the apple cardamom.

Puffworks Baby Puffs

A crunchy but safe way to add in a source of nut exposure in early days! 

Yumi Bars

An excellent source of fiber in each bar and essential nutrients like iron with a filling of organic fruit and vegetable ingredients.

Pirates Booty 

I’ve kept these on my list because they are so easy to access. Although these aren’t my favorite snack, without any fiber or protein, they are an upgrade from fried options and don’t contain any artificial colors. 

Lesser Evil Snacks Power Curls

If you can, I like these as a Pirate’s Booty alterative! They’re made without added sugar, an allergen friendly flour and a healthy oil! 

My Serenity Kids pouches 

These are really hard to beat for a pouch! They’re savory, protein rich and full of spices and nutrients you just won’t find in the yogurt and fruit based pouches. I really love the salmon and beef options; two ingredients that little ones are less likely to consume but rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and iron. 

Cerebelly Bar

Kids love bars and James is obsessed with these kale and apple bars. And, I’m a big fan of the ingredients; rich in fiber (4g per bar) with USDA organic ingredients and clean label project verified. 

HappyTot Superfoods Bar

An oat bar without added sugars and most allergens. Although the first ingredient is date paste, there is some sunflower seed butter, flaxseed, and whole grain oats for a great balance of nutrients!

Simple Mills Crackershealthy snacks for school

These crackers are a slightly better alternative from an original Ritz or Saltine cracker thanks to the almond flour base. These would still be a great option to pair with a fiber rich hummus, though. I love their individually wrapped snack packs!

Once Upon a Farm refrigerated oat bars

These are a great fridge fresh options to switch up the flavor and texture of normal granola bars, plus they’re rich in fiber!

Applesauce – GoGo Squeeze packs

Always choose an unsweeteened squeeze pack, always read your labels, and pair with a protein or fat. This is a lonely carb, even for kids. 

My Serenity Kids Grain Free Puffs

I used these early on when James was getting comfortable with foods; I liked the cassava base and the addition of some allergens. They’re free of grains, rice, gluten, soy, corn, nuts, industrial seed oils, sweeteners and artificial preservatives.

PaleoValley Meat Sticks

It may seem weird to choose a meat stick for a child, but this is a simple and protein rich snack that can break up the routine of only sweet options! Naturally free of allergens, these meat sticks are a great option, to pair with fruit for better energy balance. 

Chomps, Chomplings

A smaller version of your favorite Trader Joe’s meat stick; a mommy and me sized snack. 

Mission Meats, Kid’s Grass Fed Beef Sticks

Another meat stick, slightly smaller than the others, without any added sugar and made of grass fed & finished beef.

The New Primal Snack Mates

The variety of flavors offered make this brand a favorite go-to; the chicken and apple is a favorite for James and the texture makes it great for teething kiddos, but they also have turkey, chicken and beef varietals.

Calbee Harvest Snaps

These snap peas are actually made with vegetables and not just potatoes, like most of the vegetable chips on the market. Veggie straws are just potato chips; read your labels!

Regenerative Organic Certified® Lightly Salted Thin Rice Cakes

These are a great option to use as a vehicle; I load them up with hummus or nut butter or guacamole as a spread and then hemp hearts, or cheese on top. 

gimME roasted seaweed

This is a great savory salty snack for your kiddos with a unique texture, too! Plus, the seaweed provides a natural source of iodine. Use it as a wrap for avocado or hummus with cucumber sticks

Mission Mighty Me Nutty Puffs, Peanut Butter & Banana

These are a nut based snack option that’s light and airy to provide great exposure to peanuts. 

If you’re looking for more examples to add into the mix, check out our nutritious options that are also healthy snacks for weight loss, here

Wild Zora Instant Grain Free Hot Cereal, Baked Apple

If you have an oatmeal lover, this is a great source of fiber and heart healthy fats, without the traditional grain ingredient. I love the simple ingredients but unique use of nuts and seeds for a warm breakfast.

Organic Baby Food Puree, Shawarma Artichoke & Cauliflower

If you’ve been doing pouches, try this option for a vegetable heavy, savory and fiber-rich source! Switch up the purely fruit based options for this which provides a palette diversification for your little one.

Trashy Chips (formerly known as Pulp Chips) Veggie Chips

Although chips and crackers are something to limit overall in a child’s diet, these provide a higher fiber option thanks to the vegetable pulp used as the main ingredient. I love these as a crunchy option to pair with fruit or hummus.

A healthy snack time at school should focus on offering nutrient-dense options that provide lasting energy and support growth. Now, in no way am I promoting packaged snacks over fresh, wholesome, one ingredients vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat, nuts and seeds. But, I also want to be a realistic dietitian that understands how likely you are to need an arsenal of nutritious options that fit into a busy, active, on the go lifestyle like my own. And, I’m aware that although homemade snack options are always the best choice, they aren’t always feasible in every season. No, I don’t make my own granola bars, and I don’t expect you to, either.

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