5 Foods to avoid for fat loss

5 Foods to avoid for fat loss

foods for fat loss

Let’s be real: losing fat can feel like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces, especially when you’re bombarded with conflicting advice from countless well-meaning wellness influencers, making it even harder to know what’s right for you. The good news? It doesn’t have to be this complicated! Yes, there is no magic pill (ugh, I know), but there are several deceptive foods out there that may be making your fat loss journey much more difficult than it should be. And, having some education and health confidence can ease the confusion of this process! As a Dietitian & Diabetes Educator, I’m going to tell you about five foods that you should avoid if you’re serious about losing weight.

How Important Is Nutrition for Weight Loss?

I know you’re thinking, “But wait, what about exercise?!” Believe me, while exercise is crucial, diet is king for weight loss. Most people associate losing weight with more activity; pilates, burpees, or whatever new activity is now popular on TikTok. But let me tell you something: you can’t out-train a bad diet. And, research shows that we actually meet our maximum active calorie burn at 800 active calories/day. Beyond that, you’re overly taxiing your body for no benefit (and probably hormonal detriment). You can spend hours at the gym, but if you don’t make wise food choices, you’re just spinning your wheels. So, let’s dive into these foods that are secretly sabotaging your fat loss goals – and what to eat instead to stay on track and catalyze progress!

What Foods to Avoid for Fat Loss

1. Fruit Juice

I know, I know… you probably thought fruit juice was the good guy. It’s got “fruit” in it, right? Wrong. Fruit juice is like the wolf in sheep’s clothing of beverages. Sure, it sounds healthy and wholesome, but this is NOT the same thing as a handful of berries. Fruit juice is the remains of fruit; wit all the sugar and none of the fiber. That fiber is what makes whole fruit so awesome and nutrient-dense. For example, you could eat a big orange for 60 calories. Or, you could drink a glass of orange juice for 112 calories. Twice the calories, zero fiber, no satiety, and a rush of blood sugar! And let’s be honest – you’re probably drinking a lot more than that in one sitting. 

When there is no fiber there to slow it down, the sugar enters your system more rapidly. Your blood sugar levels rise and then plummet, making you irritable and hungry (hello, sweet tooth). Not exactly the situation you want to happen when attempting to lose weight. So, either eat a whole fruit or some water instead of the juice. In a real pinch? Dilute your fruit juice by 75% with water or choose a drink like Honest!

2. Dried Fruit

Now, dried fruit sounds like a healthy, convenient snack, right? But don’t be fooled – it’s a sugar bomb waiting to happen. Just 100 grams of dried raisins can pack around 300 calories and 65 grams of sugar. Yikes. When fruit gets dried, it loses its water content, meaning it shrinks down but keeps all the sugar. This makes it easy to eat way more than you should (because let’s be real, who stops at just one handful?).

The end result? A sweet snack that leaves you craving more and piling on the calories before you know it. Fresh fruit is always a better choice and you can have the dried fruits once in a while with a controllable amount.

Instead of raisins, go whole and consider a handful of grapes! 100 grams of grapes, 15-20, provides only 69 calories and 16 grams of sugar. Talk about an easy and calorie-slashing upgrade!

3. Sugary Drinks

Oh, sweet beverages, where should we even start? Energy drinks, sodas, sweetened teas—these are like dessert in a glass, complete with empty calories. Let’s take a 12-ounce can of soda: it contains 39 grams of sugar and 150 calories. That’s about 10 teaspoons of sugar! And, spoiler alert: it’s not doing your fat loss journey any favors.

Fat loss is literally impossible when your blood sugar is elevated and your body is riding a constant energy rollercoaster. 

Sugary drinks won’t fill you up but will leave you with a sugar rush followed by a major crash. And you know what comes after the crash? Cravings. Cue the snacking and weight gain. Swap out sugary drinks for water, herbal teas, or black coffee for more blood sugar-friendly options.

Foods to avoid for fat loss

Remember: Consuming sugary drinks not only spikes your blood sugar levels, but over time, it can increase your risk for type 2 diabetes, making weight loss even more challenging.

4. Sweetened Coffee Drinks

I wouldn’t be from Seattle if I didn’t love a good coffee run with my girlfriends, but there’s a reason I don’t drink holiday flavored lattes and Frappuccinos. Is this your favorite drink? It’s basically a dessert in a cup. Depending on the size and toppings, a 16-ounce coffee drink can pack up to 400 calories and more sugar than you’d find in a candy bar. Yikes. 

You can view the nutrition calculator on Starbuck’s website and it’s mind-blowing to see how quickly these calories and sources of added sugar add up.

Not only do these drinks pump you full of unnecessary calories, but the sugar spikes will have you reaching for snacks by mid-morning. If you’re trying to lose weight, skip the sugary extras and go for a black coffee, iced americano, cortado, or iced coffee with just a splash of milk. You’ll still get your caffeine fix without derailing your progress.

Grab my favorite Starbucks drinks for weight loss, here

5. Alcohol

I hate to be the fun police, but alcohol is a hidden cause when it comes to weight gain. Even when you drink in moderation—those calories pile up quickly. A wine glass? 125–150 calories clinking in there. A beer pint? 200 calories or more. And let’s face it, most of the time, one drink quickly becomes two or three.

In addition to calories, alcohol changes your metabolism. Burning fat must take a backseat while your liver works to break down the alcohol. Alcohol also wreaks havoc on your gut health and lowers your acid levels which can cause bloating, and acid reflux over time. Alcohol also lowers your self-control, which makes the temptation to indulge in extra fries or pizza late at night very strong. Have less than 4 drinks/per week if you’re serious about losing weight.

What Are the Best Foods for Fat Loss?Best Foods for Fat Loss

Okay, enough about what you should not eat. Let’s talk about the foods you should be filling up on to keep you full, energized, and burning fat. These are the MVPs dietitian favorites when it comes to healthy eating for fat loss!

1. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is your go-to of fat-loss foods. It’s packed with fiber and protein (about 10 grams per 100 grams) and low in sugar if you go for the unsweetened version. This means it’ll keep you full and help your muscles recover, which is key for burning more calories.

It also contains a ton of probiotics, which support gut health and improve metabolism. Swap out sugary snacks with a bowl of Greek yogurt and a few berries will do you wonders.

If you want to add some sweetness start with vanilla extra, cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey before you revert to high calorie sweetened options! You’d be surprised how delicious these options are.

2. Eggs

Because they only have about 70 calories per egg and are high in protein and good fats, eggs are a fat-loss superfood. Having a few eggs in the morning will keep you satisfied for longer, reducing the number of times you nibble throughout the day.

Reesearch shows that starting your day with a savory protein rich breakfast like eggs promotes more fat loss, less cravings and a lessened appetite all day long!

Eggs also include minerals that stimulate your metabolism, such as vitamins B12 and D. Eggs can be cooked in a variety of ways, including hard boiling, poaching, and scrambling. A must-have for your diet! Remember that you need at least 2-3 eggs to really hit enough protein per meal.

3. Salmon

If you want to consume delicious foods while simultaneously burning fat, salmon is the ideal option. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can support weight loss along with reducing inflammation and the risk of heart desease. In addition, a 100-gram portion contains about 25 grams of protein, which is essential for boosting metabolism and building lean muscle. Both fresh and canned salmon have great benefits; aim for wild caught when you can! 

salmon Foods for fat loss

4. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli

The unsung heroes of fat loss are vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and other cruciferous crops. They’re low in calories but high in fiber and volume, which means they’ll fill you up and balance blood sugar without adding a large amount of calories to your meal.

These veggies also contain compounds that may help balance hormones, which is super helpful when you’re trying to shed fat. Add them to your meals as a side dish, toss them in stir-fries, or roast them with some olive oil for a satisfying, low-calorie option. I am obsessed with the cruciferous crunch from Trader Joes; I saute it in coconut aminos and use it as the veggie base of my dinner on a regular basis. 

5. Kale

Kale is loaded with fiber, so it’ll help keep you full, and one cup of raw kale has just 33 calories. It’s also packed with vitamins A, C, and K, plus calcium, which all help keep your body running smoothly while you’re working toward your fat-loss goals. You can toss it in your smoothies, massage into your salads or bake into air-fried kale chips for a low-calorie, crispy snack. Voila, you’ve got a quick and versatile nutrient-boost in kale!

Wrapping It Up

Fat loss does not have to be an uphill battle. Avoiding sneaky, high in calories and sugar like fruit juice, sugary drinks, and alcohol while substituting them with fiber and protein-rich options like Greek yogurt, eggs, and kale will help you lose weight. Looking for other ideas? Check out my post about healthy snacks for weight loss. You’ve got this, and if you’re overwhelmed, I’m here to help! Book a free discovery call with a dietitian nutritionist who understands who hard weight loss can feel!

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