This package provides the most support and true customization to your needs. 24/7 chat support through our app gives you more support than you could ever need; a dietitian at your finger tips along with weekly education and feedback in our calls. Get all your questions answered, cut the food noise, see progress - fast!
As a board certified diabetes educator I've seen hundreds of individuals struggle with their diabetes diagnosis and THIS is where it stops. Learn the function of food and how to truly manage your disease, get realtime feedback on your blood sugar and wear a continuous glucose monitor for blood sugar and medication optimization. Reverse your insulin resistance!
Sick of dieting and calorie counting? There's a better way. Learn to effectively support your metabolism and build your best body, the right way, for good. Trash the diet culture and it's nasty low-fat food, join my quarterly evidence-based group program specifically tailored for busy women.
Dallas Nutritionist: Sustainable Evidence-Based Nutrition
You Need a Guide, Not a Guess!
As a dietitian-nutritionist and nutrition expert of over nine years, I can simplify and streamline your journey by creating a personalized plan that helps you finally, meet your goals! I help you eat healthy for life, not just for a quick fix.
The missing piece? A thorough and complete plan. As your support system, accountability, food therapist and dietitian in your pocket, I will listen to your concerns and go beyond conventional tests. I may recommend a full thyroid panel, fasting insulin check, and even explore the use of a continuous glucose monitor to gain a deeper understanding of your body's needs.

Whitness Nutrition Core Values
Best Dallas Dietitain: Healthy Eating Made Simple
A dietitian to help you feel better and have more energy! We can work together to improve your digestion, keep your blood sugar happy, and give you the energy to enjoy life.
Forget strict diets, let's find a healthy way to eat that works for you. Life's too short for complicated plans. Work with a nutritionist - I'm like a food coach who can help you reach your goals!
Picture this: a program designed exclusively for you, where every aspect is tailored to your unique needs, goals, and preferences. Say goodbye to cookie-cutter approaches and hello to a customized plan that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. A lifestyle likely full of stress, travel, long work days, unique family dynamics and food preferences.
Make an appointment today!
Manage your Blood Sugar
My Diabetes Program
Whether it's diabetes, pre-diabetes, PCOS, gestational diabetes or insulin resistance, nutrition is a powerful tool to utilize! Imbalanced blood sugar over a long period of time can lead to serious health problems such as cardiovascular disease, kidney damage (nephropathy), nerve damage especially in the legs (neuropathy), and eye damage (retinopathy). Proper diet and exercise can help reduce A1C, reduce medication needs, reverse and manage diabetes.
What My Clients Are Saying
Questions before you get started? From insurance coverage and what program is best suited for your nutrition needs, read below.